Katie's Story More Stories

Moms of Epilepsy

Geri – Mother of Katie

Part 2 of 2

Moms of epilepsy
Katie and Mom Geri

I HATE EPILEPSY! That's the truth. As Katie's mom, I hate even saying the word "epilepsy" and I hated every single one of the many grand mal seizures Katie had. I never got used to them. Each one was terrifying and heartbreaking and the anticipation in between was enough to make me crazy. Watching Katie's life spiral out of control was incredibly difficult. It was sad to see her go from very social to losing all but one friend, from being confident to being very subdued and unsettled. I didn't recognize this girl who was now altered by the drugs and the anxiety gripping her. I felt guilty because, at times, I was scared to be alone with her. I was very frustrated that I couldn't make it all go away.

Hope (def.)—"the feeling that what is wanted can be had"

The odds were against her. The doctors said so. They told us that Katie was drug resistant. All we had left was hope and prayer! And pray we did, along with many others, and she proved the doctors wrong. Katie has surpassed 3½ years of being seizure free. Incredible! Astonishing! Somehow we got our miracle and we are infinitely grateful.

Is she cured? Only time will tell. She remains on two types of medication and unless she were to wean off of them, we will not know.

Although I have little idea of all Katie has endured and all she fears for the future, I stand beside her as her support, in front of her as her advocate whenever the need arises, and behind her as her encourager. We have seen purpose in pain and believe God has big plans for her.

I am very thankful to my friends Kara & Trudy for creating Katie's Run. It has truly made a difference, but it is sad that there is a need for this fundraising event and I wish epilepsy did not exist. But it does, and there is no way I can remain silent about the need to understand the seriousness of epilepsy and the need to fund research. As well, I stand alongside all those I now know who also suffer from epilepsy and are not as fortunate as Katie, and ask you to join us to do what we can to help.

Haliburton, Ontario

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